The Toxic Family Solution is a must-read for anyone suffering from a toxic or dysfunctional relationship. This essential guide written by a toxic family survivor and crisis counselor is packed with valuable resources and details seven steps to take back your life after being hurt by the ones you love.

What Therapists, Social Workers, & Readers Are Saying

Learn How to Take Back Your Life & Live Your Best Life Starting Today
The Toxic Family Solution discusses the problems caused by unhealthy families: abuse, addiction, anxiety, codependency and people-pleasing, control and manipulation, fear, depression, harassment, mistreatment, neglect, PTSD, trauma, and more. Learn effective methods to cope with toxic family members, care for yourself, set strong boundaries, stop toxic thinking, and walk away from loved ones who won't stop hurting you to live a life you love!

Written by a Toxic Family Survivor and Crisis Counselor
After years of struggling with addiction, chronic depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Steven Todd Bryant began a three-year journey to face his pain and heal his toxic family wounds caused by years of family abuse. Steven is a best-selling author, a crisis counselor and a toxic family survivor. He was on staff for 19 years at the University of Southern California, holds a BA in communications and an MA in theology, and is the founder of

Does your family cause you anger, anxiety, stress, pain, or harm?
If you answer "yes" to any of the following questions, The Toxic Family Solution will provide information to help you on your healing journey:

Time Does Not Heal Family Wounds
The passage of time is powerless to heal the deep hurts caused by toxic family relationships. This straightforward, transformational and empowering self-help guide provides easy-to-follow strategies for coping with the pain, trauma, anxiety, stress, and suffering caused by toxic parents or toxic family members.

You deserve a life filled with love, joy, peace, and happiness!
Buy "The Toxic Family Solution" and embark on your transformative journey starting today!

Table of Contents

Introduction: Time Doesn't Heal Toxic Family Wounds
